Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bonus Day!!!

I was able to take a day away from the office, so I took full advantage. I didn't take as many shots between tasks, so these were taken at the end of the day. I was able to get the sheathing on the roof followed by the felt. WooHoo! 'tis now waterproof, at least. I then roughed in the window seat, which gives you a pretty good idea how the front is going to look. Next task, the exterior walls... I was able to get three of the five completed, then the rain. It only rained for about 1/2 hour, but hard enough that I had to put tools away. Since the fam is going to be at the shore this weekend, I'll get back to the project the following weekend. More to come.

May 2008 - Weekend 3 - Lara's pics

Here some shots that Lara took on her break from writing. Great Pics.

May 2008 - Weekend 3

So I had every intention of completing the roof this weekend, but the weather took most of my time away. I was able to complete the framing of the shed, including the roof. I wasn't able to do pictures since it rained (poured) most of the weekend. I'll update those before next weekend. What I was able to complete.... Purchase roof stuff, shingles, felt, roof vent, sheathing and drip edge. Purchased the exterior walls as well. Constructed the roof rafters for both the gable roof and the hip sections. I plan on taking a day off this week to add collar ties on the rafters, add the roof sheathing, cut a hole for the vent, felt, drip edge and shingles. If not, I'll be doing them during Weekend #4. Total cost of materials to this point, $780.00. (Still need to buy trim, henges and paint)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 2008 - Weekend 2 - Lara's Pics

Here's a few shot that Lara took turing Weenkend 2. Alex had a blast hanging out with Daddy, it was a beautiful day.

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May 2008 - Weekend 2

Weekend 2, I started this week really slow, but I had adjust the height due to my leaning tree (I think his days are numbered). So day one was applying the 3/4 in. PT ply down on the floor and building the front wall. I planned for two 30 in. doors, but changed my mind to include a window on front. 2x4 construction with 2 - 2x6 with 1/2 in ply sandwiched between them for the door and window header. The walls are 75 1/4in. from high, including the floor.

Day 2 was a bit more easy and fun. I pre-measured all the walls, then cut all pieces for each wall, laying out the wall across my whole back yard. I should have taken snaps of that. I then nailed all walls on the ground. Lara was able to help me place the walls and hold them while nailed all the walls in place. It was so nice to each wall just fit into place.

Here's a couple picdtures of the structure with all the exterior walls up. I still need to build the interior load bearing wall that will hold the beginning of the back hip roof. So if you can imagine, there will be a gable rook in the front and a 2-sided hip roof on the back. You'll see.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 2008 - Day 1

After doing some research on whether to purchase, hire someone to build a custom shed, or just go ahead and do it myself. I guess you can tell what I chose to do. I spent the next weeks, looking at so many shed plans out there, none of which fit what I needed, I wanted to maximize space while making a big eyesore in my back yard. So I angled the shed towards the house. The rectangle is 8 ft. x 4 ft. with a 30,60,90 triangle in the rear.

After building the floor, I placed the shed where I wanted and used the shovel spade to cut an outline. I move the floor and began digging, aproximately 4 in deep with 6 in below the stone bricks. After making sure all 7 bricks were level.

Day 1 Complete. I wasn't able to work on it on Sunday and the boy and I had to frequent the annual goat race and beer festival down in Phoenixville.
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